Ok, so I realize that I have been slacking a little bit when it comes to posting on here, and since I finally downloaded my pictures off of my camera, I thought I would share a bunch of pictures. I hope you don't get too bored!

In June we went up to the cabin in Bear Lake with our fun friends Ben and Kate and their cute babies. We went to the lake one day and here are some pictures from there. It was Jason's brilliant idea to give Brynn an Oreo to keep her entertained while we were playing cards...what a mess, but isn't she cute!

Jaxon had a great time playing in the water. As long as he stayed in the shallow part it wasn't too terribly cold!

For the 4th of July we went back up to the cabin with some of Jason's family. At night we had a fire in the driveway and roasted marshmellows and made smores. Jaxon wasn't a big fan of the smores, but he sure loved the marshmellows. He liked the fireworks ok, but he wasn't a big fan of the ones that were loud. We had some sparklers left over so I asked him if he wanted to do more fireworks the next night and he said, "Yes, but not the noisy ones!"

Jaxon's birthday was on July 8th and I think I already posted about it, but here are the pictures finally! This was from the party we had with family on his real birthday. He loved his bike, but hasn't ridden it much since we've been so stinkin' busy!

This is his Buzz Lightyear cake. I know it's not much, but I'm not too creative, so I figured it was better than a boring old cake in a cake pan!

He also had a party with his friends a couple days after his birthday. We borrowed Jason's sisters' bounce house and water slide and they were a huge hit! Brynn stuck to the little wading pool and had fun.

Jaxon and his friend Lily liked to go down the slide holding hands, but one of them would always forget to wait for the other so they wouldn't go down at the same time...silly kids!

Jaxon got some pretty cool presents and had fun opening them. I'm not sure who was more excited for him to open this present, Jaxon or his friend Danny!

Bouncing and climbing up the waterslide works up quite an appetite in these little munchkins!

After we moved into our new house, we were eating dinner and afterward Jaxon wanted a popsicle. Well, that very day I had bought some sugar free popsicles at the store, so I gave the kids one each and I had one. They were pretty gross, but the kids ate them and look how happy they are!

Jaxon started preschool on August 5th. He was so excited! We had gone to an orientation thing the Friday before where he met the teacher and the kids and picked out a cubby and all that fun stuff. Well, I kept telling him he was going to go to school on Tuesday and have lots of fun etc. When Tuesday rolled around he was so excited, but he thought I was going to stay with him and he didn't like that idea. At breakfast we were talking about going to school and he said, "Mom, can I go by myself, I will just ride my bike." Now, I have to tell you, the school is about 10 minutes away in the car so it would be quite the bike ride, but he didn't understand this. I think he figured it I drove him to school, I would stay with him. Needless to say, he was releived when I gave him a hug and a kiss and let him go to school all by himself! What a big boy!

We love to go to Maverick and get their frozen yogurt (if you haven't tried it, it is delicious!), however, Jaxon prefers to get an Icee. So, the first couple of times he got one, he would let Brynn have a sip or two and she would get so mad when he took it back. Well, the last time we went there, Jaxon and Jason went inside and came out with Brynn's very own Icee. She was in heaven! I could hear her gulping it down, not stopping for anything because she thought we were going to take it away from her. I don't know how she didn't get a huge brain freeze!

Last weekend, we had the bounce house again and we needed to air it out, so we set it up in the driveway and Jaxon really wanted to bounce in it. It was right after we had eaten breakfast and before anyone had gotten dressed for the day, hence the reason Brynn's hair looks so crazy! Brynn had a great time bouncing and so did Jaxon!

Last Saturday I took the kids to Wheeler Farm while Jason cleaned out the garage (not fun I know, but now I can park in the garage, wahoo!) The kids had a good time. They had fun looking at the animals and Jaxon had fun feeing the ducks. We weren't able to stay too long because it was nap time and me and my pregnant brain forgot to put sunscreen on the kids! I want to go back when we have more time and when it's not so hot because it is pretty fun! I'm not sure why this us underlined, but oh well!Jaxon also had a dentist appointment last week and did excellent! I have pictures, but they are on my phone, so I'm not going to put them on here! Our dentist is great and the one thing Jaxon really wanted to do was the squirt the water they squirt in your mouth all over the place, so the dentist said if Jaxon let him look in his mouth, when he was finished he would let him squirt the water, so Jaxon sat so still and was so good that he got to squirt the water all over the place and had a great time doing it! If anyone is looking for a good pediatric dentist, I highly recommend Nate Stevenson at Stevenson Pediatric Dentistry...he is awesome!
Well, that's what we have been up to for the last little while. I am headed off to St. George to visit my parents tomorrow until Sunday so that should be fun. Wish me luck on the drive though! Hopefully I will have two sleeping children most of the way!