Jaxon got his tonsils and adenoids taken out on the 27th. We have needed to do this for a long time and finally got around to actually doing it. Jaxon gets strep about once every 3 months and we were all tired of it...I really hope this will be the end of strep for a long time!
Jaxon was actually excited about the surgery...it could have been because Jason and I told him that he could have all the popsicles and ice cream he wanted for about five days. He was pretty much counting down the days until his surgery. We tried to explain to him that it would also hurt...a lot, but I think he chose not to hear that part!
The surgery went really well...the doctor said he rates tonsils on a scale from 1-4...1 being the worst...Jaxon's were a 3. I guess there were lots of pockets of yellow gunk in the tonsils that explain all the strep...glad we got them out!
He's actually been doing pretty well...as long as we keep the pain meds in him. The first night, we blew up the air mattress and put it on our bedroom floor so we would be able to hear him when he woke up...which was like 20 times that first night (at least it felt that way!). Jaxon had a hard time falling asleep, so Jason laid down with him and he stayed there for most of the night...it was sweet! It was a rough few nights, but he's finally getting better now...I hope we can all get some more sleep now!
A few of the side effects I didn't expect...his voice is REALLY nasaly (pretty sure I just make that word up) and whiny and it's kind of driving us crazy! I know his throat hurts and I feel really bad for him, but it's seriously almost more I can take...hopefully it will be back to normal soon! The other is the horrible breath! The nurse actually warned me about it at the hospital, but I didn't think much about it until today. It hasn't been bad until today and boy is it bad! We brush regularly and give him gum to chew, but there's no helping this breath. Let's cross our fingers it gets better soon...really soon!
I am so glad everything went so well and hope this is the end of strep throat for a while...a long while!