Saturday, July 11, 2009

The Copper Mine

A couple of Saturday's ago, we decided to head up to Kennecott Copper Mines. Jason has been wanting to go for a while and since we live like 10 minutes away and we had some free time, we headed up there. I have only been one other time in my life and that was when I was in seventh grade, so it's been a while! It was pretty cool. It is amazing to see what a huge operation they run and how they do it, it's pretty interesting. The kids had fun for about five minutes and then they were done, and I can't honestly say I lasted a lot was interesting, but not that interesting! Jason thought it was pretty cool and wanted to look at all they displays they had in the little building, but that didn't last too long when he saw that the kids were losing interest, and quickly!

This is just as we were leaving and Jaxon was done, he didn't want to smile for the camera!

Jordan was can you not love this kid, look at that smile!
Those tires are HUGE!

Like I said, it was pretty interesting and maybe the kids will like it when they get a little bit older, but I'm good for another 15 years!

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