Saturday, July 11, 2009

Fourth of July Fun

This year for the 4th of July, we headed up to the cabin in Bear Lake with Jason's was so nice to have a long weekend where we didn't have to do anything we didn't want to do! The first day we were there after I took a run in the morning (which ended up being 7.5 miles...why, oh why did I do that?!) , we headed down to the lake. My kids had the best time. They had a blast playing in the sand, and the water...mostly the sand (the water was cold!) They had fun playing with their cousins and just hanging out!

Jordan liked to have the waves come up and get him wet, he also liked eating the sand...again! Do you like his swim shirt? I got it and it was "supposed" to be his size, but I'm thinking it was miss labeled...or he's just got a big belly!?
Brynn really enjoyed the licorice, in fact, I'm pretty sure she never went long than about 3 minutes without some kind of food in her hand...I don't know where she puts that food, she's such a skinny thing!
Isn't he sweet? Again, do you like the swim shirt?
Jaxon had a blast playing in the sand with his cousins, I'm pretty sure he could have stayed there all day.
Jaxon had a blast playing in the sand with his cousins, I'm pretty sure he could have stayed there all day.

Jason took Jaxon fishing to a little pond by the cabin and they caught this fish! Jaxon was so excited and he even touched it...this is a big improvement over last year when he wouldn't come close to it unless it was in a Ziploc bag!

We set off some pretty lame fireworks (I have a hard time spending a lot of money on fireworks, it's literally burning your money). The kids thought they were pretty cool. This was Brynn's first year watching them, last year she was in bed, and she thought they were okay...she didn't have much of a reaction to them.

Before we did fireworks, we had a campfire and made s'mores. Well, Jason and I had s'mores, the kids chose not to (where did these kids come from?). Brynn did have a marshmellow she held in her hand for about a half hour straight until she was a sticky mess and I took it away from her, I'm pretty sure she never did actually eat a marshmellow. And Jaxon was quite irritated that he couldn't just leave his marshmellow roaster in the fire with a marshmellow on it and come back and have it perfectly roasted, so guess who go that job...that's right, me!

We had a great 4th of July and I am so thankful to live in this country and to enjoy the freedoms that we enjoy. I am thankful for the brave men and women who fight, have fought, and will fight to keep our country safe!

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