Friday, August 14, 2009


Okay...I'm the first to admit I am a LITTLE bit OCD. I like my house in order and it stresses me out a bit (okay, more than a bit) if it is not as clean and orderly as I think it should be, call that OCD if you'd like, I like to call it having a nice clean, orderly home.

Well, my sweet little Brynn as developed some habits that make me wonder if she isn't a bit OCD. Whenever she is going to bed, be it for a nap or at bed time, there are certain things that she has to do.

1. She has to close her closet doors (this started about 4 months ago)
2. There cannot be anything on her floor, if there is something on her floor she (if I try to do it, she freaks out) has to pick it up and drop it right outside her bedroom door.
3. There cannot be anything other than her pillow and her blanket in her bed with her. Today right before nap time, she had me swaddle her baby doll and she was telling me her baby was sleepy so I asked if she wanted the baby to take a nap with her, to which she replied yes. Well, after her story and song, I put the baby in the crib then went to put Brynn in the crib...big mistake! You would have thought I was trying to kill her by the screams that we coming out of her mouth. So I asked if she wanted the baby to sleep on the floor next to the crib and put the baby on the floor...another big mistake, she wasn't happy until the baby was placed outside of her room!
4. Tess (our dog) cannot be anywhere near her room when she is getting ready to go to sleep...if she comes in, it's like the world has come to an end! She has to either be put outside or I have to shut Brynn's door so she can't come in. I have no idea where this came from since she generally really likes Tess, apparently just not in her room!
5. She cannot have a clip or anything other than an elastic in her hair. Today I put her down for her nap, then put Jordan down and then was making myself some lunch when she starts sobbing hysterically. I went in her room and she was standing in her crib holding her clip out for me to soon as I took it she laid right down and went to sleep.

Seriously...where did this girl come from. She is such a cute little girl...sweet sometimes...cute always! I really hope you outgrows this behavior, I'm not sure I can handle this forever!


Lacey said...

That was so funny! Mom told me about when she was there and freaked out. It's just a stage, my kids used to be ocd about how the blocks were put away - come take a look at their rooms now - they sure got over it! ha ha ha ... Thanks for the insight. It was a great laugh! Good luck with that one. love ya!

Annelise said...

Wow. She definitely has some OCD. That is too funny.

The Bennetts said...

If she can channel that into keeping a clean room, I'd be all for it!