Thursday, January 28, 2010

Big Girl Bed & Packing

We moved Brynn into her big girl bed last night and she's been doing awesome! I figured since she's potty trained now...I guess I better put her in a big bed so she can get out if she needs to so she can go potty. We had the bed in the garage for a while disassembled, waiting for a night Jason had free to set it up. Whenever we would go into the garage to get in the car, Brynn would sit on the edge of the bed and say, "Brynn's bed."

The night we set up the bed, the kids had fun playing on it and thought it was pretty cool. We kept the crib in her room, to use as a threat if she got out of the bed. Well, bedtime came around and I laid Brynn in her bed and she looked at me and said, "Brynn's bed outside," and pointed to her crib like she wanted to sleep in it. I explained to her that she's a big girl now so she gets to sleep in a big girl bed. She accepted that and went laid down and went to sleep. I expected a night full of her getting out of bed and crying and whining, but...she did SO well! She didn't come out at all, nor did she fall out of the bed. Today at nap time she even stayed in her bed and took an awesome nap! She can be such a sweet girl!

I just thought I would throw these pictures up because they are so darn cute! I have been packing today to get ready to go to Disneyland tomorrow...well actually St. George tomorrow and Disneyland Saturday...Jordan thought it was so much fun to sit in the suitcase with his long as he was entertained, I couldn't have cared less what he did! Such a sweet boy!

1 comment:

Lia said...

I love it!! Her bed is so cute too! She's so adorable with that big smile. Congratulations on keeping her in her bed.
Have fun in Disneyland!