Wednesday, May 5, 2010


So, for the past three weeks I have been working out two hours a hour in the morning and doing P90X for an hour at night and guess what...I have gained about 2 pounds. It is so frustrating! I know what everyone will's because you're gaining muscle and muscle weighs more than fat, but I don't still make me mad! That's it...just had to get that off my chest!


ashley g. said...

Well, if your like me, it has been coming off of your chest. And the muscle has been building in your bottom and thighs.

Aren't we lucky?

Tomorrow it will be better. And you look FABULOUS. I don't know why you even worry. You should walk around with a cheesecake all day just to show off.

thegirlwiththeplan said...

I had to laugh at this post. I always find the same thing. When I commit to getting in shape it seems just the opposite happens. I can only commiserate, not offer any solution that I have found. Good luck. That p90 x is ridiculous

Annelise said...

Two personal trainers I talked to said that it is 90% what you eat and 10% excercise. I don't know if I believe that but you just have to be on a strict diet. I have a hard time with that. I would be SO mad if I were you. How frustrating! Keep it up though and now that your muscles are building, soon the fat will come off much easier.

Kolbi Young said...

Are you kidding me? I would be mad too. I can't believe you are finding time to work out 2 hours a day. You amaze me! Haven't seen you in a while. Hope all is well :)

Alyse Burt said...

I've never understood the muscle weighs more than fat thing. Isn't a pound a pound? I'm very impressed with all your efforts, you inspire me to get back into an exercise routine!

Brooke said...

Boo! Last summer this happened to me. It sucks cause we (and when I say "we" I mean me) do care what that darn scale says. One thing that I felt really helped me was incorporating more fish into my diet. Costco has great big bags of it, and my kids will eat fish now too. side note: I also did 90X and it made me thicker. I don't want to be a ripped, muscle head, scary lady that sort of looks like a man. I want to be slim and toned. You should really do Sarah's kickboxing on Tuesdays and Fridays. I think all that cardio melted some unwanted dimples form this __________(insert you favorite body part here). Come June 10th, I'd love to be kickboxing buddies. Even treadmill running buddies.

The Tomlinsons said...

Frustrating!!! Keep it up, though, it'll pay off eventually!

C and C Young said...

If it's of any consolation, when I saw you on Saturday I thought you looked fabulous. For some reason I always think these things and then feel awkward saying I'm creepy or something LOL!

Lacey said...

You DO look fabulous and are doing a great job! Remember: "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"..... :)