Wednesday, January 16, 2008


Here is mine for today. I have to be totally honest though, I did it last night, but I didn't have time to do one today because I got locked out of my house and had to go all the way to Sugar House to get keys from Jason (it's a long story!), so here is one for today, even though I really did it last night! I guess I am just going to have to post my text under my pictures from now on, so I don't get the annoying underlining!


The Kay Family said...

I look at all of your layouts, but I don't get a chance to comment on all of them, but you are doing such a good job!! Keep it up! I love seeing them and they inspire me!

Amy C said...

I'm still loving all your layouts! They are so cute! I hope Jaxon is feeling better, & I'm glad you have your computer up and running now!