Thursday, January 10, 2008

Computer Woes!

Well, we got our new computer, but we had to reload Windows on it and in the process messed up something to do with the internet connection. I could still technically load all of my scrapbook stuff onto the new computer, but I don't want to do that in case we have to reload it again and all that stuff (not that it would be hard to load my scrapbook stuff again, but I have a house to clean today too, so this is kind of my way of getting out of it, but it is a good excuse I think!) So, we are hoping to get it working soon, it's working, just not the internet, which I have to have, obviously! So, David Jones, you may be getting a call from Jason tonight aking what he should do!

Crystal, you asked about my scrapbooking. Yes, I do it all on the computer. I have copies saved on the computer in jpeg format and psd format. But I also have a hard copy of the books I have made. I do it through I have one for Jaxon's first and second year and am working on Brynn's. They do a hard cover book, you can design the cover and pages and everything, or you can just use the premade formats they have on the website. I love doing it this way because I am not a paper scrapper at all, not good at it and I don't like it. I love doing it on the comptuer though. I think it turns out to be cheaper this way too. I got Jaxon's 2nd year book which was 80 pages for $60, but that's because I found enough coupon codes to take like 70% off. I just wait until there's a really good sale, then I order the book. That was probably a lot more information than you were looking for, sorry!

Ok, I'm off to clean my house and shower (haven't done that yet, just got done at the gym!).

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