Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Girls Weekend in Park City

Last weekend I was so lucky to be able to have a girls' weekend up at Park City with 17 girls from my neighborhood. They did this last year too and I wanted to go so badly, but we had just moved and Jason was working on the yard, basement and many other things so I couldn't leave, so I was SO excited to be able to go this year! Thanks Jason for being so sweet and letting me go and taking such great care of the kids! I stole some of these pictures from some of the girls' blogs since I didn't take any pictures at all while we were up there...oops!

This place is beautiful! So was our room!

The first night we went to Baja Cantina for dinner...it was so fun even if the manager was grumpy because we wanted to split the checks!

Friday night we stayed up until 4:00 am talking, playing games that required little to no energy, well it was really only one game...mafia, and laughing a ton!

On Saturday we went on this fun gondola ride...this is Annelise posing :) The gondola ride was really fun...really it was fun doing anything or nothing at all!
After the gondola ride, some of us went to the outlets and shopped for a while then we all headed to the movie theater to see the dumbest moving ever! I don't even remember what exactly it was called...something like All About Steve...stupid! I tried t sleep through it, but I couldn't...yes it was THAT bad!
We then headed to the Eating Establishment to eat dinner. I didn't think it was the best food, but it didn't matter because I was with great people! That night we stayed up until about 1:30...I'm still trying to catch up on my sleep!

I had a great time and am so glad I live in such a great neighborhood with such great people! Thanks for the great weekend girls!


The Tomlinsons said...

Wow, how fun! Jason is a trooper!

C and C Young said...

I had so much fun roomie!!! I hope you got lots of your scrapbookin' done--and i'm glad I wasn't the one one working LOL.