Friday, April 16, 2010

I can't pick up a house!

Here is a conversation I had with Jaxon this afternoon:

Jaxon: I can't buckle my seat belt!
Me: Keep can do anything.
Jaxon: Mom...I can't do anything! I can't pick up a house can I? I can't do anything!

So much for being a supportive, you can do anything mom...I tried though!


Brooke said...

He's smart! Just keep saying it. My parents always said that to me, and now I sort of think I could pick up house..if I really wanted to. =)

The Tomlinsons said...

This has got to be one of my favorite things about being a mommy--you never know what they're going to say!

Lia said...

How funny! I love the things kids come up with!