So, I don't think I am going to get a page done today...I have been cleaning and doing laundry (YUCK!) and getting the bills paid (YUCK again!) and getting our tax stuff for that reason, I'm not sure I'm going to get one done today, but I am going to try to answer some of your questions.
Jessica - the page I did with Brynn in the Mickey ears is actually a template in .psd format. I don't know if you use Photoshop, but if you do, I will email the file to you so you can use it. Let me know.
Aubrey and Emily - Here's the lowdown on digital scrap booking (this might be long, so be prepared!).
When we moved last year, my neighbor introduced me to digital scrap booking (Thanks Annelise!)
I use Photoshop Elements 5.0 and download most of my papers, elements, alphas pretty much everything for free off the internet. Although, on Saturday I did pay $10 for 10 digital kits which is a really good deal, but I hardly ever buy stuff, just download it for free. Some good sites to go to are:
Free downloads:
The Digi Chick
Digital Freebies
Digital Scrapbook Previews
Scrap Artist I
Scrap Artists II
Scrap Outside the Box
Shabby Princess
Simple Scrapbooks
Simply Clean
Something Blue
Two Peas in a Bucket
Adobe Studio Exchange
Peppermint Creative
Scrapping Digi Creations
Jessica Go My Designs
Designs by Selena
Ikea Goddess
Digital Scrapbooking Freebies
Snap and Scrap
Kevin and Amanda I Kevin and Amanda II
The Perfect Title
Action Central
Sprague Lab
Creating Keepsakes Challenges
Comparisons of different programs
Digital Scrapbook Place - basic layout
Scrapbook Bytes tutorials
Adobe Studio
Graphic Designs
Printing sites:
Two Peas in a Bucket
Sam's Club
Digital Scrapbook Place
Brainy Quotes
Inspiration Peak
Writing on the Wall
I just copied this from one of the message boards I look at sometimes. There are a lot of sites that have tutorials for digital scrap booking and what not.
As far as finished products, I use to print my books. With shutterfly you can use their templates and just drag and drop your pictures and they have predesigned backgrounds you can choose from. I don't do this because I like to design my own pages. So, I make the pages in Photoshop then upload them to shutterfly and in the end I get a 12x12 hardbound books with all of my pages. Sorry if this is confusing, it's hard to explain without actually showing it in person! Anyway...Jaxon's last book was about 80 pages and I did get it for about $60. That's only because I had a lot of coupon codes that I was able to stack. That's what I do, once the book is ready to print, I wait until a good sale comes, then I order it. It's just a matter of waiting for a good sale. That included everything, like I said, you upload the pictures to shutterfly and they print it and it comes in a hardbound book and it looks awesome! You can also print the pages at places like CostCo or the FedEx store, but I like the convenience of just having it sent to me totally bound and finished!
Well, I hope I answered some of your questions. Sorry if this was super confusing, but it's kind of hard to explain in writing, it's a lot easier when I can show you. If you ever want me to show you anything or help you, let me know and I would be more than happy to help.
I better go because Brynn is waking up, so it's looking like there's not going to be a new page today!