Friday, March 21, 2008


Well since I was awake this morning at 4:00 and couldn't sleep because my throat, ear, neck, and head hurt so much, I decided that I should work on a page. I am finally starting to feel better now, hopefully I will get rid of this crap very soon!

On a bright note, I was looking through my pictures last night and I am so close to being caught up with Brynn! I think I only have one or two pages left then our Disneyland trip and I am caught up! I am so excited! Now I just have to start on Jaxon's!


Anonymous said...

Wow good job on almost being caught up... I am 5 years behind on Madison, and 8 years behind on Breanna. But i am almost done with both of there baby albums... then I get to do some Disney photos. WAHOOOO!!! Hay on your feeling icky stuff.. Try orange juice. When Jon and the girls where down i had a day or so that i was starting to feel down. I just pounded down the O.j. and it seamed to really help... Worth a try :)

Steelman Co. said...

Kendra! This is such a cute blog! I love the digital scrapbooking pages. How do you do that? Ryan and I have a blog too, you should check it out! There isn't much to it yet since we just started it. It's By the way, if you didn't know this is stephanie ohm. :)