Wednesday, June 11, 2008


A couple of weeks ago Daybreak had a ladybug release party thing at all of the community gardens, so Jason, the kids and I ventured to our garden to join in. Apparently ladybugs are carnivorous and eat other bad bugs in the garden so they are really good to for the gardens, don't worry, we made sure we got lots in our garden plot :)

They didn't start until 8:00 pm and that is 1/2 past the kids' bedtime, so we got Brynn in her pj's and ventured out. She wasn't too sure what was going on, but thought it was fun to watch everyone.

At first Jaxon wasn't too sure about the ladybugs. The kid releasing the ladybugs tried to put one on Jaxon, but he wasn't having any of that.

Our neighbor Cami put one on Jaxon and he decided it wasn't too bad if Cami and Lily were doing it. He was interested in the ladybugs for about five minutes then it was off to play with his friends that had come. It was a pretty fun activity and I'm glad we got to go!

1 comment:

Crystal said...

Whewww. I guess I didn't have you blog address entered correctly into my feed because I haven't seen an update from you in a while, I guess I missed out on a lot. glad I am back in the loop to see all about your adventures. Those pictures ARE great and I love the idea of the ladybug release!