So, we are finally all moved in...wahoo! Now, I said moved in, but I didn't say unpacked, actually, I think we are doing pretty well considering we've only been in since Friday night. I think I have unpacked most of the boxes that are in the house, but there are more in the garage, but I am not sure what's in them! I haven't unpacked the food storage though...that does not sound fun to me at all, but it has to get done. A word to the wise, if you are planning on moving soon...don't start food storage, it is a pain to move, but I am so grateful we have it! I am going to have to break into it soon, because I am running out of wipes and that where all he wipes are stored. There are seriously like twenty big boxes of just food storage stuff...wish me luck!
Thanks to my parents, who drove up all the from St. George to help us unpack, even though I tried to convince them not to, but I am so grateful they came up because they were such a huge help! I couldn't get my Dad to sit down and stop working the whole time they were here. Thanks to him, I have stuff hanging on my walls and everything! I think Jason is very happy about that because he hates to hang stuff!
Thanks to Jason, we even had blinds up by Saturday, which is good considering we have 16 windows on the main floor, so we felt like we were in a fishbowl! We love our new house and if you are ever in the neighborhood and want to stop by to see us, feel free, we love visitors!
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
So Grateful!
So, we are still in the process of moving...just waiting for the funding for the people buying our house to go through. It should go through by Friday so we can move in the new house on Saturday. We thought we were going to be able to move in a lot faster, like by today or tomorrow, so we packed most of our stuff into portable storage boxes on Saturday and Monday. I never realized how much I take some stuff or granted. For instance, couches...we moved all of our couches into the port-a-boxes, some going to storage until the basement is finished and others until we get to move in. Can I just tell you how uncomfortable it is to sit on the hard floor and watch tv or a movie with no couch to sit on! Not fun at all!
Also, Jason wanted to move our fridge into the port-a-box while he had help on Monday night, so we have been living without a fridge since then. Doesn't sound like too big of a deal, but do you know how many times I have gone to the fridge to get cold water and it wasn't there! Jason said tonight he has never wanted ice water so bad in his life!
Right now I am sitting on the floor, typing with the keyboard on my lap because our desk has been moved out as well.
It really is amazing how much I take for granted and it makes me so grateful that I am so blessed to have all of these modern conveniences! So, next time you go to sit on your couch, get a cold drink with ice or get milk out of the fridge, be thankful you have those things:)
Also, Jason wanted to move our fridge into the port-a-box while he had help on Monday night, so we have been living without a fridge since then. Doesn't sound like too big of a deal, but do you know how many times I have gone to the fridge to get cold water and it wasn't there! Jason said tonight he has never wanted ice water so bad in his life!
Right now I am sitting on the floor, typing with the keyboard on my lap because our desk has been moved out as well.
It really is amazing how much I take for granted and it makes me so grateful that I am so blessed to have all of these modern conveniences! So, next time you go to sit on your couch, get a cold drink with ice or get milk out of the fridge, be thankful you have those things:)
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
We did it!

We sold our house! Wahoo! We actually got an offer a little over two weeks ago, but we were waiting to hear back on the house we were buying to see if they accepted our offer. We were supposed to hear back on the 1st, but the guy who was in charge of this particular house was on vacation until the 7th, so we thought we would hear on the 7th. I thought, what a great birthday present that would be, but we didn't hear from them.
Well, Jason called me at around 11:00 today and told me they accepted our offer! I was so excited, but I guess I didn't sound too excited (it could have had something to do with me trying to make a Buzz Lightyear cake for Jaxon, Jaxon trying to help me make the cake, Brynn making a huge mess, etc.) but I really am. They want to close on the 21st! That only gives us 13 days to get everything crazy is that! I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about having to move all of our crap...we have way too much!
I am so excited to move to a house that is better for entertaining than our current house is. We had people over for my birthday yesterday and it was a little crazy and this other house will be so much better for that! On to another adventure in our life...moving, finishing yet another basement (thanks Jason!) and having another baby in yet another house! We are so excited though.
Here are some pictures of our new house!
Happy Birthday Jaxon!
Today my cute little man turned 3! I can't even believe he is that old, it seems so crazy to me! We started a tradition last year where we decorate the door of the birthday person, so last night Jason and I were up until like midnight decorating Jaxon's door...we just put up some streamers and taped some suckers and treats on the door. Well, this morning Jaxon called for me (he stays in his bed until I come to get him) and said he needed to go to the bathroom. Well, as soon as I opened the door and he saw it was all decorated he said, "Happy birthday to me!" It was so cute!
The rest of our day was spent going to the gym, making a Buzz Lightyear cake, Jaxon eating way too many treats, and me making last minute trips to the store for presents (both my birthday and his birthday snuck up on me this year and I was not preapred!).
We had a little party with family tonight and Jaxon got a lot of fun stuff. He got a new big boy bike from the grandparents, and we gave him a bunch of stuff to play with outside, but the biggest hit of the night was the kitchen we got him! He absoultely loves it and would not stop playing with it all night! Then we had cake and ice cream and all the fun stuff.
I have to say the best part of the night was when Jaxon and his cousins decided to go inside and play and the adults stayed outside to visit. Well, I sent Jason inside to get something and to his surprise, he opened the door and saw that Jaxon had opened about three of his presents without us knowing! We had already given him the kitchen and he opened presents until he found dishes and food to go with it! What a silly little boy!
Once again, I will hopefully post some pictures tomorrow, things have been a little crazy around here lately!
The rest of our day was spent going to the gym, making a Buzz Lightyear cake, Jaxon eating way too many treats, and me making last minute trips to the store for presents (both my birthday and his birthday snuck up on me this year and I was not preapred!).
We had a little party with family tonight and Jaxon got a lot of fun stuff. He got a new big boy bike from the grandparents, and we gave him a bunch of stuff to play with outside, but the biggest hit of the night was the kitchen we got him! He absoultely loves it and would not stop playing with it all night! Then we had cake and ice cream and all the fun stuff.
I have to say the best part of the night was when Jaxon and his cousins decided to go inside and play and the adults stayed outside to visit. Well, I sent Jason inside to get something and to his surprise, he opened the door and saw that Jaxon had opened about three of his presents without us knowing! We had already given him the kitchen and he opened presents until he found dishes and food to go with it! What a silly little boy!
Once again, I will hopefully post some pictures tomorrow, things have been a little crazy around here lately!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
We're Having a...
Baby! Just kidding...we had our ultrasound last Thursday (I'm a little slow at getting this news posted aren't I?). Well, the ultrasound tech told us first we were having a girl and I was happy, but I had thought all along it was a boy, so I was thinking my instincts were totally off. But then, when she was almost done, she looked a little closer and decided that it wasn't a girl after all, but that it was a boy! So, my instincts weren't wrong after all! He looks healthy and everything looks good, so we are very grateful for that! We are very excited to have another boy and Jaxon is also pretty excited although, I don't think he would have cared either way. I have some pictures and video, but I don't have time to post them right now, but I might get around to that later!
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