When I didn't have kids, or even when I only had one child, there were many things I swore I would NEVER do, some of these included:
I would never let my child walk around the house in only a diaper and a shirt...how hard is it to put pants on them, really?
I would never let my child wear those ugly Crocs.
I would never let my child wear flip flops/crocs when it was cold outside.
I would never let my child walk around with a snotty nose.
I would never wipe my child's snotty nose with his or her shirt.
I would never let my child go anywhere without his or her hair being done.
I would never ignore my child as he or she stood there and said "mom" twenty times at the store...really if you just say what, they'll be quite!
Let me just tell you something...
Tonight we headed to the store and Jaxon insisted on wearing his ugly crocs (yes he has crocs, they are so easy!), it was kind of chilly outside...I didn't want to hear his incesent whining so guess what he wore to the store?
Jordan is no longer allowed to wear his jeans in the house. Why you ask. I discovered while doing laundry yesterday that three of his pair of jeans have holes in the knees because we have so much tile in our house and he crawls around on it all day. So, until he is exclusively walking, he will be wearing only a diaper and a shirt around the house. (I will put pants on him if we go out!)
I get sick of doing Brynn's hair. I have to do it in the morning...I have to fix it when we get to the gym because she's rubbed her head on the back of her carseat...I have to do it after her nap if we are going anywhere...I have to do it after her bath so it's not crazy in the morning. So, if you see me in the store and her hair isn't done...it's because I was sick of doing it!
I can't count the times when I've wiped my kids snotty noses on their shirts...sometimes it's the only thing available, so what can you do, right?
I asked Jason the other day if I could change my name to something besides Mom and he said why, they'll just call you whatever you change it to. I love being a mom, but I don't necessarily like hearing "mom" 500 times a day! Sometimes you just don't want to answer!
I'm sure there are a ton of other things I swore I wouldn't do...I just can't think of them right now. So, if anybody reading this doesn't have kids and swears you won't do something...let's see what you think after you have three kids!