When we got our drywall done for the basement, the workers were taking their garbage and stuff out the window well and the kids thought it was great, they sat there and watched for a good 5 minutes. I am SO glad we hired someone to do the drywall, so nice to have it done...now bring on the paint and carpet is scheduled to be installed on the 22nd! Wahoo!!!!!!!!!!!
This is Jordan and his cousin Sam who is two weeks younger than Jordan...but you couldn't tell from the picture. Jordan has his four month appointment on March 23 and he was very little (12.9 lbs which is the 5th percentile, but his height was the 75th) so with some supplementing and medicine to help me produce more milk, three weeks later he was up to 14 lbs!
Jaxon was invited to a birthday party where he was supposed to dress up as his favorite super hero, so he chose Mr. Incredible. Luckily, my mom came up a couple of weeks before the party and made this adorable cape for him, isn't it awesome?! I really should learn how to sew, but that would take a lot of time, which I don't have any of right now!
Isn't he cute? I love that little smile!
I am so excited for the basement to get done for this reason...I can get rid of the corner o' toys in my living room upstairs...I hate the toys, but love that cheesy little girl!
Brynn insists that we swaddle her baby because she sees us swaddle Jordan, the only problem is she has a royal fit when she comes unswaddled, but yet, she carries her by the head, so what can you do right?
I love this picture, I think he looks so handsome, even if he is in a pink bumbo!
At Jordan's four month appointment, the doctor wanted me to start him on food to try to get extra calories in him...so I started solids and these are the results...the food went in the mouth, and promptly came back out! Not sure how much he actually ate, but he seemed to like it. I even made my own baby food, not as hard as I thought it was going to be!
Jaxon loves to help Jason in the basement and Jason gave him these ear plugs to wear while he was down there and Jaxon thought they were pretty cool and I thought they were pretty funny!
If she had more hands, she would have carried more!
My parents came up over Conference weekend, so we had a get together with my sister and her family and decided to do a little egg hunt. It was a lot of fun and the kids thought it was great and ate all of their candy in a little less than an hour...amazing!
Does he look scared? He should because Brynn kept trying to climb in the seat with him...poor Jordan, if he can survive Brynn, he can survive anything!
So, with Jordan I will cover his eyes with his feet and play peek a boo, well, Brynn thought this would also be a fun game for her to play...isn't she cute! And yes, so does have a constant runny nose lately, so that is snot you see in all of her pictures! YUCK!
1 comment:
So So cute! I love those pictures! That's awesome that Jordan gained 2 pounds!! You are such a good mom!
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