So, Annelise tagged me to write 7 weird things about me so here it goes...
1. I hate when people breath on my face. If Jason gets too close and is just breathing drives me absolutely crazy, which in turn drives him crazy, but what can you do, right?
2. I have turned into a talk radio person...crazy I know! When I am in the car that's what I listen radio. I thank Jason for getting me into this, but I must say, I do feel a lot more informed now, but at the same time, I feel really old too!
3. It is very hard for me to relax in my house if it is messy...right now I am looking at my desk and it is pretty dusty and it is driving me absolutely crazy and after I get done with this I will probably have to get up and dust it because it is driving me crazy!
4. I hate craving pumpkins! I think I hate it because I am not very good at it. So, when Halloween rolls around at our house, I am more than happy to go to the pumpkin patch and get the pumpkins and put them on the porch and they look cute and all, but when it comes time to carve them...I let Jason take over, he's really good at it!
5. I am a very punctual person...I didn't think this was weird a while ago, but I know so many people that just are not punctual that I guess it could be considered weird to some. I hate being late for anything. For my doctor's appointments (and I have had a lot lately!) I have to make sure I leave 45 minutes early (have to go all the way to St. Marks from South Jordan!). I know I will get there in plenty of time, usually with 10-15 minutes to spare, but the whole way there, I worry that I am going to be late. I know it doesn't make any sense, but that's how my crazy brain works!
6. I am not a big fan of Halloween (Obviously I have Halloween on my mind with the previous pumpkin post!). I have never really liked Halloween much...even when I was younger. Well, when I was really young I liked it I'm sure, but when I got to about the 3rd or 4th grade I started to not really like it. I'm not sure why...maybe it's because I didn't like knocking on the door and begging for candy...But now that I am mom, I like it a lot more because I don't have to dress up and I get to see my kids have so much fun and get so excited about it. Weird I know!
7. If I have something to do, I have to do it right then...I don' t like waiting to do things. It's taken me a while to realize when a bill comes in the mail, I don't have to pay it right then, I can wait until I get other bills and pay them all at once. I guess I just hate having things hanging over my head that need to be done. In some aspects this is good...but it can be a not so good thing too!
Ok, so now my turn is over...I guess it's someone else's turn. I now tag whoever wants to do this. Have fun!
Friday, October 24, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So, these are the last two pages for Jaxon's year three book! Wahoo! Well, I guess I still have to design the front and back cover and write him a little letter for the last page, but I am pretty much I just have to wait for shutterfly to have a great sale! Oh, and this doesn't mean I am completely caught up to the current date, this takes me to July...however, I haven't taken that many pictures between then and now (I know I'm a bad mom!) so it shouldn't take long to get caught up...then I'll take another six month break and work like crazy to get caught up's just one vicious cycle!
Almost Done!
Monday, October 20, 2008
More Pages
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!
Tonight we headed down the road and went to the pumpkin patch. I love this pumpkin patch, it's on 118th South and 3600 West. We have gone there the last three Octobers, since we moved to South Jordan and I love it. They have tractors for the kids to sit on and a corn maze and tons of pumpkins. We drive past the pumpkin patch quite often, so as soon as Jaxon could tell there were pumpkins growing in the field, he would tell me he wanted to go get pumpkins. Well, I knew tonight was going to be a little bit warmer than it had been the rest of the week, so we decided tonight was the night. The kids had so much fun sitting on the tractors and picking out their own special pumpkins. Brynn had a rough time walking because the ground was pretty uneven, but that didn't seem to bother her too much!
Brynn thought this tractor was pretty cool!

Aren't they cute!?
Not the best family picture, but we have to get a picture as a family every year when we pick pumpkins!
Jaxon picked this pumpkin out all on his own after looking for about one minute...not very patient!
Brynn liked this pumpkin, but we decided it would be the babies (Landon or Jordan...who knows!) and she got a little bit bigger one, but she couldn't hold it.
Jaxon loved all of the tractors, but was disappointed there wasn't a "picking up one" which I think is a loader?
Jaxon in front of the corn maze. He found that ear of corn on one of the tractors and would not let go of it. He really wanted to eat it, but we wouldn't let him and told him that it was the kind of corn that cows ate, so on the way home (yes he had to bring it home) he kept asking us if we were going to give it to the cows. What a silly boy!
Brynn did not want her picture taken by the corn maze, I think it freaked her out a little bit.
We came home and had hot chocolate and doughnuts. My kids never get doughnuts, their just something I don't usually buy, but I stopped at Macy's on the way home from the gym this morning and thought it would be a fun tradition to start having hot chocolate and doughnuts after picking pumpkins. Brynn was not at all impressed with the hot chocolate which really surprised me, but she quite liked the doughnut...surprise!
Jaxon also liked his doughnut, but unlike Brynn he liked his chocolate milk too, but he liked Jason's even more, out of a big mug!
Aren't they cute!?
Fruits & Vegetables
Lately Jaxon has been hungry all the time at night. He eats a full dinner then like an hour later he complains that he's hungry. At first I thought he was doing it to see if we would give him treats, well I didn't, I always gave him the choice of an apple or carrots. You would have thought I had told him he could eat all the ice cream he wanted, he was so excited about having an apple and carrots. Well, on this particular night, Brynn got his bowl of carrots. Now, with this little girl, it's not enough to have one in your mouth, no, no...she has to have one in each hand and one in her mouth! She is so funny.
Last night I made lasagna for dinner and we had broccoli as a vegetable. It had been a while since we had had broccoli for dinner (I don't know why) but my kids loved it! I think Brynn ate about 1/2 of all the broccoli I made and was pretty upset when it was all gone. The broccoli was the first thing Jaxon ate. Where do these kids come from? I am so glad I don't have to try to convince them to eat their fruits and veggies!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Here's Two More
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Three more!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Conference Weekend
About five months ago, we bought 25 25lb bags of hard red wheat from the cannery and never had a chance to "can" it, so we decided this weekend would be perfect, we could do it while we listened to conference. We also had a bunch of other stuff we needed to get canned too. We didn't technically can it, we put it in the silver pouches and checked out the sealer from the cannery and did it that way. Anyway, we got it all done between the two sessions of conference and I must say, it's feels so good not to have to worry about it anymore! It was quite a mess, but Jaxon had a good time "helping" us. We did hard red wheat, flour, pinto beans, black beans, rice, salt and I think that's it. We ended up with 150 bags total! It's a good thing we have a big storage room! I don't know what was up with my camera, but it took really bad pictures...sorry!
Jaxon was such a big helper!

These two pictures above are the bags we did during the first session, we did just about as many during the second session too!
And I wondered why we had such a mess on the floor!
This is what Brynn was doing while we were doing our food storage. This is her new thing, she stands on top of things then waits until you look at her and starts laughing because she knows she's not supposed to do it! She's cute, but a little stink too!
Old Bear Lake Pictures
A couple of weekends ago we went up to the cabin in Bear Lake with the Duke's and the Humphery's. We had so much fun. The only pictures we took were while we were actually at the lake. It was a pretty cold and windy day and by the time we actually got to the lake the wind was blowing like crazy and it started to rain, so we were just going to turn around and go back to the cabin, but Jason and Chad started doing a little 4 wheeling on the beach. We haven't ever really taken our Excursion off road (not that the beach was that adventurous but...) so Jason wanted to see what it could do. It was pretty fun and Brynn loved it. She was laughing in the backseat whenever we would go over a big bump, it was cute!
Well, after the boys had there fun, the weather finally calmed down enough that we could get out and walk along the beach. The kids loved it. I told Jason not to let Jaxon get too wet, but before I knew it, his shorts were soaked, so he rode home naked! There was also a double rainbow that was really pretty too, it was a lot of fun. The kids love it whenever we take them to the lake.
Can you tell it was a little bright?

Brynn had a great time walking up and down the shore, luckily, she didn't try to get in the water!
Well, after the boys had there fun, the weather finally calmed down enough that we could get out and walk along the beach. The kids loved it. I told Jason not to let Jaxon get too wet, but before I knew it, his shorts were soaked, so he rode home naked! There was also a double rainbow that was really pretty too, it was a lot of fun. The kids love it whenever we take them to the lake.
Busy Day!

I finally got the other one to save correctly and I got another one finished. Pretty good for a crazy day of running around all day. I didn't go to the gym today (I usually don't on Tuesdays) but I had to run the sealer thing back to the cannery in Sandy and I had a doctor's appointment today too (everything's good). So that meant I had to get the kids dropped off and asleep and my sweet friend Kate's house (was it nice not to have my kids for once Cami?). Then my doctor is all the way at St. Marks, so it's like a 40 minute drive there and back. I had to clean my disgusting floor and clean my messy house.
By the time Jason got home, I was so exhausted and he could tell, so the sweet guy took the kids out of the house for and hour and a half so I could rest and do whatever I wanted. Well, I cleaned up dinner and toys then just relaxed, it was so nice! I have such a great husband! After getting the kids to bed and watching the debate, I sat down at the computer to answer a friends question and here it is an hour later and I have a finished page! Now, I guess it is time for me to go to bed, but I think I am going to post some pictures from this there you have it!
Another One!
Monday, October 6, 2008

Well, it's actually quite amazing I got a page done today because it has been a crazy day...but I did get one done! My kids actually slept in this morning...Jaxon until 7:15 and Brynn until 7:35, but of course, I couldn't sleep past 6:45. I laid in bed for a while, then decided I might as well get up and do something, so what did I choose to do? The, clean my room, get laundry, I decided to do some scrapbooking! I got the pictures on the page then Jaxon woke up, so I quickly finished it now that the kids are napping...well Jaxon is in his room not napping, but I hope if I leave him in there long enough, he will fall asleep! So, there you have it.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Two More!
Friday, October 3, 2008
Scrapbooking Again!

Well, I FINALLY did two scrapbook pages! It has been forever since I've done one, but one of my friends was asking me questions about how to do certain things and it got me wanting to start up again. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new trend and I won't stop doing it in a week, but we'll see!
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