Friday, October 3, 2008

Scrapbooking Again!

Well, I FINALLY did two scrapbook pages! It has been forever since I've done one, but one of my friends was asking me questions about how to do certain things and it got me wanting to start up again. Hopefully this will be the beginning of a new trend and I won't stop doing it in a week, but we'll see!


Anonymous said...

glad to see that you are back... I am also trying to make a comeback... Lovely pages... Keep up the good work.

Alicia Hanson said...

Kendra!! Wow, it is so crazy you have two kids and one on the way. Your family is so cute! I also love your scrapbook pages, I need to learn, is there a website or something? Anyways, I vote for Landon, I love that name! When are you do? Anyways, thanks for blogging, you look so cute! I am exited to keep in touch