Friday, October 24, 2008


So, Annelise tagged me to write 7 weird things about me so here it goes...

1. I hate when people breath on my face. If Jason gets too close and is just breathing drives me absolutely crazy, which in turn drives him crazy, but what can you do, right?

2. I have turned into a talk radio person...crazy I know! When I am in the car that's what I listen radio. I thank Jason for getting me into this, but I must say, I do feel a lot more informed now, but at the same time, I feel really old too!

3. It is very hard for me to relax in my house if it is messy...right now I am looking at my desk and it is pretty dusty and it is driving me absolutely crazy and after I get done with this I will probably have to get up and dust it because it is driving me crazy!

4. I hate craving pumpkins! I think I hate it because I am not very good at it. So, when Halloween rolls around at our house, I am more than happy to go to the pumpkin patch and get the pumpkins and put them on the porch and they look cute and all, but when it comes time to carve them...I let Jason take over, he's really good at it!

5. I am a very punctual person...I didn't think this was weird a while ago, but I know so many people that just are not punctual that I guess it could be considered weird to some. I hate being late for anything. For my doctor's appointments (and I have had a lot lately!) I have to make sure I leave 45 minutes early (have to go all the way to St. Marks from South Jordan!). I know I will get there in plenty of time, usually with 10-15 minutes to spare, but the whole way there, I worry that I am going to be late. I know it doesn't make any sense, but that's how my crazy brain works!

6. I am not a big fan of Halloween (Obviously I have Halloween on my mind with the previous pumpkin post!). I have never really liked Halloween much...even when I was younger. Well, when I was really young I liked it I'm sure, but when I got to about the 3rd or 4th grade I started to not really like it. I'm not sure why...maybe it's because I didn't like knocking on the door and begging for candy...But now that I am mom, I like it a lot more because I don't have to dress up and I get to see my kids have so much fun and get so excited about it. Weird I know!

7. If I have something to do, I have to do it right then...I don' t like waiting to do things. It's taken me a while to realize when a bill comes in the mail, I don't have to pay it right then, I can wait until I get other bills and pay them all at once. I guess I just hate having things hanging over my head that need to be done. In some aspects this is good...but it can be a not so good thing too!

Ok, so now my turn is over...I guess it's someone else's turn. I now tag whoever wants to do this. Have fun!

1 comment:

Jeff and Chelsy said...

I can totally relate with #1 and #5! I always tell Jeff I have to have "fresh" air, which means air that is not coming from his mouth...maybe to much info...And he does it on purpose which drives me even more crazy.

And, I HAVE to be on time for everything. When I first moved here I was always on time, and always the first one there. I have learned with the people here when they say 6, it means that is when they try to leave their house. So you can count on 6:30 being the actual time. I have one friend who I will tell her that she needs to be here a half hour earlier than she really does just so she'll be on time.

That was a lot longer than I had planned.