Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Busy Day!

I finally got the other one to save correctly and I got another one finished. Pretty good for a crazy day of running around all day. I didn't go to the gym today (I usually don't on Tuesdays) but I had to run the sealer thing back to the cannery in Sandy and I had a doctor's appointment today too (everything's good). So that meant I had to get the kids dropped off and asleep and my sweet friend Kate's house (was it nice not to have my kids for once Cami?). Then my doctor is all the way at St. Marks, so it's like a 40 minute drive there and back. I had to clean my disgusting floor and clean my messy house.

By the time Jason got home, I was so exhausted and he could tell, so the sweet guy took the kids out of the house for and hour and a half so I could rest and do whatever I wanted. Well, I cleaned up dinner and toys then just relaxed, it was so nice! I have such a great husband! After getting the kids to bed and watching the debate, I sat down at the computer to answer a friends question and here it is an hour later and I have a finished page! Now, I guess it is time for me to go to bed, but I think I am going to post some pictures from this weekend...so there you have it!


Lia said...

Oh my goodness! You're like a scrapbooking machine. Maybe I'll be inspired and start working on mine again. I really need to.

Annelise said...

I miss having those 2 play. I will call you and we can set up a play date.